There are many options available for employers to offer protection to their employees where they may be exposed to respirable hazards in the working environment. From full working breathing apparatus, through re-useable masks with changeable filters, down to disposable tight fighting masks (usually FFP). Some employers and employees may not be aware of the importance of face fit testing for many of these options. The stated protection factor for any of these can only be relied upon where the mask forms a proper airtight seal with the wearer’s face face. Where tight fitting RPE (respiratory protective equipment) does not form a proper seal, its efficacy will be, at best, greatly reduced, or at worst non-existent. Testing the fit on each employee is therefore essential in taking care of long term respiratory health. Our expert fully qualifed Fit 2 Fit team can carry out qualitative testing to industry standard and provide you with the peace of mind to know that your employees are receiving the most suitable protection for any working environment.